Contact us

What is the price of grain today?
We give you real-time information!

Questions about the grain business or marketing your crops?
Our team will go the extra mile for you and be with you at every step.
Notre équipe sillonne toutes les étapes du parcours avec vous.

Contact us
Lafrance Division Grains

Contact us

Whether you need to buy, sell, transport or store your grain, just contact us. 


6260, boulevard Laframboise
Saint-Hyacinthe (Québec)
J2R 1E9


Opening hours

Monday to friday :
8 am to 16:30 pm

Saturday and sunday :

Write us

    A team that looks out
    for farmers

    Our heart is in the fields, but our team is always just a phone call away!

    Les Enterprises Lafrance operate
    two other businesses...

    Les Moulées

    Do you care about what your livestock eat? Visit the Moulées Bellifrance website to find the perfect feed for your animals.

    Visit the website

    Bellifrance pet stores

    Looking for a one-stop shop for your pet essentials? Check out the Bellifrance pet store website for a wide range of pet foods and accessories.

    Visit the website